Volume. XX, No. 5 From the Pastors Heart: Worship Dance Phenomena - Part 2I have read through the Scriptures to find every reference that has a word related to dance such as dance, danced, dances, or dancing. There are 27 occurrences of those words in 26 verses. They are dance (8 times), danced (6 times), dances (6 times), and dancing (7 times). I am going to give you a chart I made in order to show you certain uses and patterns of those words.
*The following words are both Hebrew and Greek words you can find from the second column. The first number is from Hebrews and the second from Greek. Hebrew words *Greek words **This last column has grammatical analyses of those Hebrew and Greek words. This chart is helpful to analyse the meanings and uses of words translated as dance, dances, danced, or dancing. I would like to bring your attention to the fifth column on occasions of dance. One striking observation from this column is that dancing is not related to either tabernacle or temple worship. The second observation is that none of the dancers in these verses was a priest who was responsible for tabernacle or temple worship (see the fourth column). If anyone wants to raise an objection to my previous points, he will say that David brought the ark of covenant to Jerusalem. He may say that it was an act of worship. It is a good point. However, I must let you wait till next week to hear my answer to it. Lovingly, Your pastor |