Volume. XXVI, No. 17 The 21st Century Reformation-Part 1Four hundred and ninety-four years have passed since Martin Luther, the great reformer, ignited the Protestant Reformation by nailing his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther would be shocked if he could see the dire spiritual state of the church that now bears his name. In many ways the spiritual condition of the whole of Christendom today is worse than it was when Luther made his courageous stand for the Word of God and the doctrine of justification by faith alone. The church in the 21st century desperately needs a new reformation! In Luther’s day, the central issues focused around grace, faith, and the unbiblical ecclesiastical authority imposed above the verbally inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God. While these same doctrines are still being challenged in various ways by different groups, the very essence of Christianity is also being questioned and denied by vast parts of the church—the authority of Scripture, the virgin birth and resurrection of Christ, as well as His full deity. Theologians in our days are attempting to convince or deceive Christians that the Bible is no longer relevant when it comes to deciding issues of doctrine, ethics and personal morality. Unfortunately, because many church members are biblically illiterate, they became easy prey for those whose intent is to deceive and destroy the authority of the Scripture. The Age of Apostasy Today theologians and para-church organizations are rushing to embrace an ecumenical movement that equates other religions with biblical Christianity. Universal salvation for all who believe in anything has become the “politically correct” gospel of these apostate churches. Ecumenical worship services that include Protestant Christians, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs and host of other religions are all too common around the world, even in our nation Australia. It saddens many of us to see that devilish teachings and the most perverse human behaviors are being sanctioned and tolerated by one church body, denomination and organisation after another. Who could have imagined even forty years ago that protestant churches and denomination would be ordaining practicing homosexuals and conducting ceremonies to bless the unions of “same-sex couples”? Who could have imagined that practicing homosexuals would be installed as pastors, bishops and priests that would openly deny the virgin birth and divinity of the blessed Saviour Jesus Christ? Liberal theologians, educated in Bible-denying seminaries (or spiritual cemeteries), are rewriting the Scriptures to conform with their own perverted opinions and humanistic philosophies. Others have set aside the Holy writs in order to proclaim the myths and fantasies of their Satan-inspired beliefs which Paul warned about (1 Tim 4:1-3). The gospel of Jesus Christ is being set aside and watered-down in evangelical churches as the so-called “purposed driven gospel,” “prosperity gospel,” and “positive-thinking gospel,” and “believe-in-yourself gospel”. In order to draw crowds and not offend anyone, a cross-less gospel that knows nothing of human sin and depravity and repentance is being offered up each Sunday as a substitute for the solid expository preaching of the old time gospel. Such practices around the world, even across our nation, are leading myriads away from biblical Christianity and straight into eternal damnation of hell and lake of fire. Those who proclaim false doctrines and countenance the acceptance of sin within the church are no less than instruments of the evil one, Satan, and workers of evil works. We are instructed by God’s Word to turn away from them (1 Tim 6:5; 2 Tim 3:5; Rom 16:17-18; 2 Thess 3:6). Their dangerous and unbiblical teachings lead only to death if they do not repent (Prov 16:25). An Age of New Reformation What will it take for a new reformation to take off in the 21st century? Some say that the greatest revival of the church is the period of Protestant Reformation! That is a question worth pondering. Even if everything required to bring about such a reformation were fully understood across the church, how many Christians have the courage and the will necessary to bring it about? Christians who think they can experience reformation and revival while living in personal sins are sadly mistaken. The Scriptures are clear: “Be ye holy; for I am holy” (1 Pet 1:16b). “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Cor 6:17). “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” (Rom 16:17-18). …… to be continued. Pastor Weng