Volume. XXI, No. 11 Honour your pastorScripture makes it clear that we are to give special appreciation and affirmation to our pastor. We, as a church, ought to obey Paul’s exhortation, found in 1 Timothy 5:17 “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the Word and doctrine.” God has entrusted pastors with one of the most precious assignments – the spiritual well-being of His flock. So pastors, being shepherds appointed to care for souls, must go and search for those who wander in sin, deliver and bring them home to the Lord and His people. Likewise, pastors are “to feed the flock.”(1 Peter 5:1-4). Like a shepherd, Pastors must aid the flock of God to avoid getting trapped in worldliness and other sins that endanger their souls (2 Timothy 4:2-5). Also, the church can easily fall victim to her enemies, such as false teachers and unregenerate men. Pastors are appointed to defend the church by exposing evil men and their false teachings (Acts 20:29-32). Many church members do not fully comprehend what a pastor’s life is all about. Often, a pastor neglects his personal needs to give us comfort and direction and yet receives so little in return. Here are some facts that we tend to overlook. The truth is that our Pastor: These are just a few of the challenges our pastor has to face in his ministry. The unity and effectiveness of the church is greatly dependant on a good relationship between the congregation and the pastor. Therefore, God has provided specific guidelines in His Word concerning the attitude and response of believers to their pastor. It is important that as believers, we understand and yield ourselves to fulfil the Biblical instructions on this matter. These Biblical instructions are found in many places in the Scriptures. One such passage is found in Hebrews 13:17 which says, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” The first portion of Hebrews 13:17 exhorts all believers to obey and submit to their pastor. It emphasizes that believers must be ready and willing to obey the Biblical doctrines and principles that the pastor proclaims. Secondly, believers are expected to make every effort to submit themselves to the pastor. At the end portion of Hebrews 13:17, believers are exhorted that their attitude towards their pastor’s ministry should be a helping one - “do it with joy, and not with grief.” This verse clearly expresses to believers that their responses to and relationship with their pastor will enable him to truly enjoy the pastoral work. 1 Thessalonians 5:13 instructs believers “to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake.” This exhortation is to give great honour to pastors. Members of the church must honour their pastor very highly and relate to the pastor with much respect and submission. This honour and respect should be shown at all times. So what can believers do to express their appreciation and affection for their pastor? First of all, we must seek to please God as we express our love for our pastor. He is the man God appointed to teach and care for us spiritually. He has the special God-given capacity to teach God’s Word. Do not put our image of the ideal pastor upon him. Let him be the man God wants and allow him to use his spiritual gifts as God intended. To honour and respect our pastor, we must constantly work in our personal walk with God, be faithful in our attendance at Church services, use our spiritual gifts and volunteer to serve the Lord in our church, actively telling others about the Gospel and inviting them to church, and praising God for our pastor publicly and privately. Lastly, pray regularly for our pastor, his family and his ministry. Also, show our pastor genuine love and concern by thanking him and praising him for what he does for us. Often, our pastor is so occupied in his ministry that he does not even have time for his family. It is important to remember our pastor’s family time and respect his needs without unnecessary interruptions to his quiet, undisturbed family time together. We are to offer our personal invitation to express our love for him and his family and to show that they are important to us. Most of all get to know our pastor and his family - their interests and problems. A wonderful, caring church family is the best place believers can be. Encouragement, love and support are found there. Let us pray that we are not problem sheep but believers who love our pastor. Loving and honouring our pastor ought to be a life-long pursuit. May God give us the grace to do so. Dn Yaw Chiew Tan |