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Volume. XXXVVII, No. 27 MIRROR – The Reflection of God’s Word The redeemed child of God is governed by a book written by his or her Creator. It is a sacred duty and joy to do Bible reading daily and benefit from it. By God’s grace, one should be purposeful and diligent in our study of the infallible, inspired and sufficient Word of God. There are many rich metaphors used in the Word of God to describe the Word including the hammer, the sword, light or lamp, milk and meat and others. Consider this useful acronym MIRROR used by James in James 1:23 (though in a negative sense) to guide us prayerfully as we meditate and study God's Word daily.
M: Magnify or Marvel What does this text reveal about the attributes of our Sovereign Almighty God and His Majesty that causes me to exalt Him in His glory? It should fill your heart with praise and adoration to reverently worship and uplift our great God. (Psalm 103: 1-5)
I: Instruct, Inform or Ingest The Word of God has the right content, commandments, doctrines about Christ and man and salvation and warning to all of us. What does this particular text show me that inspires me to learn to do or not to do something in my life that I have not known or applied before? (Psalm 119:105)
R: Revive or Repent When you read the Word, does it berate or admonish or exhort us to do or not to do something? Is there any iniquity in your heart or known transgression of the law? What does this text reveal to you that prompts you to confess your sins to God and to forsake or repent of them? (1 John 1:9)
R: Reconsider or Rehearse There are rich lessons that we can learn from the prophets and the apostles and the teachings of Christ in the gospels that we should consider. What do I learn in this passage that will guide me to improve in my devotion, prayer, service, for change and commitment etc? (Haggai 1:5)
O: Oblation or Overcome The OT has memorable lesson on the sacrifice of Christ prefigured in the sacrifice of the lambs and calves to God in the temple. How does this particular text demand me to obey God’s revealed will and to do right or to make sacrifices in my life to honour Christ? (Luke 9:23)
R: Return or Reconsecrate As we learn of the many lessons, we need to prayerfully ponder and contemplate what it means to us. What must I do to respond dutifully to Christ in faith and humility to this passage and how will it impact or transform my life?
There are profound and practical lessons and applications from the reading of the words of everlasting life in the Bible. Something to think about and act upon the Word of God as the Holy Spirit leads and guides us. (Psalm 85:6)
By Rev Jack Sin |