Volume. XXXVII, No. 10
Sunday, 04 September 2022

A Better Heavenly Place (Part 2)

B) Certainty of an Eternal Place (v 2–4)


In John 14: 2&3, the Lord spoke about something beyond this world, in the future, before the disciples had witnessed the events. In vs 2, Jesus said, “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

Sometimes we act as if we are going to live in eternity on this earth when we drive our stakes deep into our earthly homes. However, the Word of God reveals that our lifespan is a short one of 70 – 80 years on earth. Thus, are we ready to leave our earthly abode at short notice if God summons us to move on? The Lord said that He was going ahead to prepare a spacious room for us to abode in eternity, when God calls us to leave our earthly home one day.


Verse 3: “And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” Verse 4: “And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.”

We prepare for many different things in our lives on earth, such as interviews, examinations, work and many other occasions of life but have you ever thought of preparing for your last day on earth, at a meeting with the Lord? We need to prepare for our own funeral but it is not referring to writing a will or buying insurance. It is about the spiritual dimension of preparing to meet our God. Are you ready to meet your God?


What kind of place will this mansion be?


In Rev 21:1, we get a description of a new heaven and a new earth where there is no more sea. Seventy percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water. The sea always symbolises separation but when we go to heaven, there will be no more sea, so there is no more separation. Our lives are also like a tempestuous sea that hides many mysteries below its surface. The sea also symbolises death, but in heaven there will be no more death, sorrow, tears or pain. (Rev. 21: 4)


The sea also symbolises change, but in heaven there is no more change, so all remain constant. If you want to change, do it now, before you leave the earth because there is no more change in heaven. Now is the last chance to effect any changes before we leave this world.


The sea has a mysterious nature, but in heaven the sea holds no more mystery. Whatever can be known, will be made known because there is no more sea in heaven and Jesus Christ is there.


Some people will not make it to heaven. These people include the fearful, the unbelievers, the abominable, the murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolators, and all perpetual liars. (Rev. 21: 8) They will have their part in the lake of fire. Does the above verse 8 of Rev 21 describe anyone of us here in this sanctuary tonight?


Those who are unable to make it to the “mansion” that the Lord has prepared for us are those who do not know God and who are unrepentant of their sins and refuse to turn to God.

There will be no physical temple in heaven as both God and the Lord are already there and so it is unnecessary to have a temple to reflect their presence. (Rev 21: 22)

In heaven there will be no sun and moon, for the Lord's glory will light it up. (Rev 21:23) That will be the glorious day for all those people whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life (Rev 21:27).


C) Consideration of Christ, The Way (v 5-- 6)


John 14:5-6 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

What must I do and what can I do to get out of all my troubles and enter this place/ mansion that the Lord has gone ahead to prepare for me?

We need to ask a question: where are we going and how are we going if we don't know the way? (John 14:5) How can we get to this place when we are lost physically, spiritually, emotionally and eternally?


In verse 6, the Lord answered not by showing us the way/direction to go, but by saying that He himself is the Way, not a superhighway or road but a Person.

The Christian religion is a “done” religion, so there is no need for us to do anything more to get to heaven. We need only to believe and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, to repent of our sins and to uphold His commandments. We just need to follow Christ. Good works/acts cannot save our souls.


The Lord said that He is the Truth, not deception, lies or fake news and false teachings. The Truth is a Person, not something that you have to do to save yourself. Jesus stated that He is the Life, which we so desperately need today.

During this rampant COVID-19 pandemic, more than 5 million have died and many more may be infected. Everyone is susceptible to it as it gets endemic. We all take turns to leave our earthly abode whenever our time on earth is up. It is not a question of “IF” but “when”.


So, treasure your life and your spouse, children, church, parents, and all loved ones and never take anyone for granted. While we still have breath in us, life is in Christ.

We must follow the straight and narrow, correct way that takes us to the right destination. If we don't get it right, we will be messed up big-time when we pass on to the other side of eternity and it will be too late to make any amend.



When you leave this world, what kind of Life will you bring with you--- a Life unto eternity with Christ, or a Life unto damnation without Christ? This is an epic issue for our careful and wise consideration. Will our final resting place be in ‘the lake of fire’ or in ‘a better heavenly place’?


Do you know this God, our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, intimately? Are you ready to meet your God whenever He summons you from your life on earth? These are imminent spiritual issues for us to ponder over seriously and expeditiously.


May God have mercy on us all. Amen.


By Rev Jack Sin (reproduced from Sovereign Hope Bible-Presbyterian Church Weekly published 23 Jan 2022)

More Lively Hope



  • Blessed Father’s Day to all fathers & grandfathers.
  • Catered Fellowship Lunch & cake will be served following the service today for Father’s Day. All are encouraged to stay for fellowship.
  • HBC Training & Passover lessons will be held on 18 & 25 Sept after service. Tribe leaders, stall keepers, rabbis and speakers for HBC are strongly recommended to join. Congregation welcome.
  • Holiday Bible Club registration forms online (for ages 3+): http://com/hbcreg22/. Theme: Jerusalem Marketplace. Invitations in the Foyer. Friends welcome.  


Praise & Thanksgiving

  • Journey mercies: those who have travelled.
  • Those who have recovered from COVID.



  • Missions: Rev & Mrs Jara (Andes, Chile); voting of new Chilean constitution & that freedom of worship will be upheld.
  • Healing: Rev Pong Sen Yiew.
  • Wisdom for Session to look after the church while Pastor is away.
  • Journey Mercies: Pastor Ki & wife (Korea).



© Hope Bible-Presbyterian Church
14 Bedford Square, Colonel Light Gardens, South Australia 5041