Volume. XVIII, No. 28 Thanksgiving for the Past YearGod has indeed poured His blessing on Hope Bible-Presbyterian Church, resulting in the Christmas concert on 6 December about one month ago. Many friends and relatives came to the concert to hear the good news that "the word was made flesh and dwelt among us." (John 1:14a). We praise and thank God for everyone who served God in one way or another last year in the various activities of the church. They are: There are also those who serve God as ushers, welcomers and in the preparation of the food for Sunday's Fellowship lunch and those who clean. There are others who come for the Working Bee every month to help to clean up the Church and its surroundings. I must not forget to
mention those who provide transport - not only through our official church van but who use their own vehicles to transport people to church
activities. Last but not least, there are so many who serve God quietly
through visitation, hospitality and just plain friendliness to new visitors and young Christians. Looking forward to the New Year As Pastor Ki mentioned in last weeks article in the Lively Hope
bulletin, the theme for our Church in the year 2004 is "SOULS FOR
JESUS". The verse for this theme is taken from Luke 19:10 "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost". How appropriate
it is to remind ourselves about the Great Commission given to us by our
Lord Jesus Christ. In my opinion, there are 2 main ways to fulfill this
Great Commission- one is to support or do overseas missions - like the
missions Hope Bible-Presbyterian Church is involved in Cambodia. The
other is to do personal Evangelism at home here in Adelaide among our
2. Let us Support all the outreach efforts of our church e.g. Christmas concert, mission in Cambodia, Sunday School Activities, various Fellowships, talks and seminars. We can give our support through prayer, by ringing up people and bringing them to such outreach activities. 3. Let us also learn to encourage and nurture one another. This aspect is different as we are naturally inclined to want others to encourage and nurture us. Rev. Ed Paauwe and Sis Lehia Paauwe Rev. Ed and Sis. Lehia Paauwe are known to most of us but there are some
in the congregation who do not know them well. Rev. Ed Paauwe was the founding Pastor of Hope Bible-Presbyterian Church in 1986. It started in a Scout's Hall but when I joined in 1991, it was holding its service at
a gym hall of a Kensington School - next to Pembroke School. In 1994 we
moved to our present location at the Stone Mansion. A few years later in
1998, Rev. Ed Paauwe was appointed to lead The Independent Board for
Presbyterian Foreign Missions in the United States. |